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- Interpreting services
- All languages

Interpreting services, which include a vast range of types and methods, are undoubtedly a challenge for all translators who, due to the impossibility to use media, dictionaries or glossaries, must rely on their own experience, level of sensitivity and their inter-personal relational skills in order to convey - often within just a few seconds – highly complex concepts and even moods and undertones.
The LM Traduzioni staff selects top-quality professionals who - in addition to working on written translations – have years of experience in all forms of specialised interpreting services:
Simultaneous interpretation
Chuchotage interpreting (more commonly known as: whispered)
Consecutive interpreting
There are three types of interpretation that create a variety of difficulties for any translator, but that the staff at LM Traduzioni are able to easily manage due to their extensive experience providing such services at conventions, trade shows, meetings, business meetings, business lunches, conferences, television and radio programmes.
The knowledge, sensitivity and experience of specialised interpreters (gained over many years working in this sector) allow the LM Traduzioni staff to guarantee maximum efficiency and professional services to its customers.
LM Traduzioni translators can provide translation and interpreting service at the firm’s headquarters, in any city in Italy and - if necessary - even abroad.
Those interested in receiving translation services, including simultaneous translations , including simultaneous translations, Chucotage and consecutive translations can contact an account manager at LM Traduzioni, using the contact form or calling the Customer Care free phone 800 913 009 during office hours.
Interpreting Services